
The Leading With Pride
Assessment Program

The Assessment

Leading With Pride measures the impact of the program as well as identifies improvement opportunities through an assessment.

The assessment is completed at three times throughout the program; the first week (baseline), the seventh week (course work complete) and the twenty-fourth week (program conclusion).  Both the participant and the assessor complete similar questionnaires.

The assessments consist of questions that takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

These objective assessments are a critical part of the Leading With Pride program. They provide important data insights that ensure the program remains impactful.

The Assessor

The Leading With Pride Assessor contributes to the Leading With Pride program by providing an objective assessment of individual participants growth throughout the program. 

This person should be someone who works or associates close enough to the participant to observe their interactions with others and can provide an objective evaluation of the participants interactions with others.

Ideally this is a work supervisor or collogue.   Family members and friends can also fill this role.

The assessor is first contacted by the participant.  Then the participant provides the contact information to Leading With Pride.  The Assessor then receives email invitations to complete the assessments at the appropriate intervals.

The Participant

At the beginning of each Leading with Pride session. each participant is required to identify their assessor, ensure they are comfortable with the expectations and then provide the contact information.

The Confidentiality Agreement

Individual assessments and results are never shared.  Neither the assessor nor the participant sees each other’s responses or results.  Aggregate results at a session and overall level are sometimes shared with consultants, advisors, or sponsors.

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